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Published By: LGW Desk on October 31, 2022 04:47 PM (IST) | Publication:

Imlie: Cheeni plays tricks on Atharva, Imlie Begins Her New Life

Imlie: Cheeni plays tricks on Atharva, Imlie Begins Her New Life


Imlie, a popular Star Plus serial, is gearing up for some intense drama and intriguing plot twists in the upcoming story.

Cheeni becomes evil in Anu's company and uses Imli's poetry to gain Atharva's trust.

Imlie arrives at Atharva's home and goes through all of her post-marriage rituals with Atharva.

Atharva, on the other hand, treats Imlie with disdain.

Meanwhile, the Ranas greet Imlie with griha pravesh, but Cheeni stops her and presents her with a Radha and Krishna idol.

Anu claims that Atharva is Krishna and Imli is Rukmini, but Krishna adores Radha and has no rights over her.

Imli, on the other hand, takes it positively and thanks Cheeni; later, Cheeni attempts to perform the rituals, but Rudra warns her.

Rudra makes it clear that if she tries to separate Atharva and Imli, he will make her life miserable.

Imli Disappopinted

Imli fantasises about romantic moments with Atharva, but his fantasy is dashed when Atharva enters the room.

Atharva acts strangely with Imli, ignores her, and leaves the room, making Imli suspicious.

Imli tries to figure out why Atharva's attitude toward her has suddenly changed.

What more drama is in store? Will Imli be able to discover Cheeni's secret?

Lets see what happens in the Upcoming Track. 

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