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Published By: LGW Desk on March 13, 2023 10:06 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Anuj wants Choti-Anu By Hook Or By Crook!!

Anupama: Anuj Disregards Anupama's MAMTA 


Serial Anupama is giving major drama goals in terms of Maya leaving Anuj and Anupama left in tears by taking away Choti-Anu. 

Anuj is becoming eccentric in his daughter absence and admitting the next meet to be his last meet with Choti-Anu seems just not possible to him. 

Anupama's deal with Maya to let her wish Choti-Anu the last goodbye seems superfluous MAMTA to Anuj who demeans Anupama with charges of discriminating in her own child and Choti-Anu. 

Anupama amends their broken relationship by promising to give her best shot in making Choti-Anu stay 

Maya's words are echoing in Anuj's head as we saw in the recent episode. 

Anupama with heavy heart gives hopes to Anuj for Choti-Anu's stay in kapadia mansion to save her marriage if not her daughter. 

Will Choti-Anu melt seeing her parents crying for her? 

And even if she does will Maya give Choti-Anu rights to choose between her and Anuj-Anupama? 

Let's wait till this mystery of relations resolves. 

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