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Published By: LGW Desk on April 12, 2023 07:41 AM (IST) | Publication:

Anupama: Devika The Jodi Maker Returns! Supplies Truth Behind Scenes


Anupama: Devika To Being all Villians Of MaAn marriage to Knees 

Star Plus drama roller-coaster serial Anupama is giving drama chills to its fanbase with the current plot of Anuj breaking bottles to calm volcano of his grudges against Anupama. 

We are about to found Devika returning to her freind Anuj to make him realize that for whom he left Anupama, that is his Choti Anu isnt with him and the one who he left is still waiting for him on doorsteps. 

Devika is about to wash off Vanraj fake story of Anupama's Move on calling him out being a opportunist trying his luck to woo Anupama again. 

Devika and Maya face to face 

Maya and Devika tashan filled encounter is about to be really interesting. 

Devika is about to show Maya her real face with her attempts to make Anuj once call Anupama. 

But some spoilers suggest that Maya is having a major pawn under her clinched fist to manipulate Anuj into staying back in Mumbai. 

Let's see what is about to happen next in story of Anuj and Anupama. 

Will Devika be able to remove blindfold on Anuj eyes?


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